Fall - In bloom

Our Crepe Myrtle tree we planted about 2 years ago is doing better. It had a rough start initially and we didn’t think it would make but it’s hanging in there.

This is actually the best and most it’s ever bloomed! I definitely want the branches on the bottom to grow up and fill out the tree a bit bit that will take time. I just love the crimson red color! It stops me in my tracks every time and I love to gaze at it and get lost in thought. I can only imagine it fully grown.

I actually want to plant a Maple or Pine tree at some point. I just don’t know when that’ll happen but it’s on my to-do list for sure!

Morning Glories

Flashback to when I grew Morning Glory flowers with ease! They were flourishing year after year when I planted them no matter what. This year however, completely different story. They did at least bloom this year but the leaves are mostly dead. I'm so happy I found these old pics! Just lovely!

Throwback Photos - Paper Flowers

These photos from my Aunt’s birthday party last year popped up on Facebook while searching through old photos. We had a Mexican theme and I made these paper and tissue paper bouquet centerpieces. I love how bright they are! They add a wonderful pop of color to each table. I actually have some more paper creations in the works and some planned as well that are all plant-inspired. I’ll share some progress on those later!

Photos April 2019

New growth!

I saved and planted lemon and orange seeds in this same pot. Don’t ask me why I put them both in the same pot. I was half expecting them not to ever grow I suppose. Well, something has sprouted! I can’t tell what it is yet, though.

In other news while waiting for my seeds to come in which they never did by the way, my neighbor brought some of her extra seeds over for me to use! I could not find any corn kernel seeds to plant and I searched everywhere online. The shipping wait time was outrageous and it would be too late by the time they arrived.

So with her seeds in hand I also planted 4 rows of corn and even a row of sunflower seeds. Planted those 2-3 days ago and no signs of growth yet. Update soon!

Cuttings Update!

Progress on my cuttings! Most didn’t grow which was not a surprise. I believe I left too many leaves on some of the cuttings. On some I completely removed all the leaves to experiment which ones would do better. I think they both equally didn’t do well on tree cuttings. However, these cuttings were successful! I have about 4-5 plants that have developed roots! The problem is I have no idea what this plant is. I actually don’t really know which place I pulled it from at this point but I will figure it out when I move them. I’m going to leave them in the pot for a few at least another week before I move them to a bigger pot.

Looking back

Baby's first zoo trip!
Photo taken April 2019, Tyler, Texas

I actually took quite a few pics I love looking back on but I'll post more as time passes. 

Views from my front yard

There is nothing wrong with your eyes. Do not attempt to adjust your glasses. I discovered what appeared to be a wolf spider near me as Robert and I were watering my plants. I actually bent down near this tree in my yard, looked up and saw this irl. I almost can’t even see it in the picture myself. Eek!

Unknown seeds now sprouting!

UPDATE: The seeds have been identified as Marigolds!

On a recent trip to the store I was a little desperate for some seeds but due to social distancing only my husband got off at the store. He was to get things we needed such as milk and other essentials. Since it was Dollar General I also told him to toss in any garden stuff from the list I gave him which included seeds and pots among other things. He brought back a box of seeds, 2 pots, and some butterflies stakes. Not bad! I was desperate for something!

I planted the seeds this week in rush while out in the yard working and I honestly have no idea what they are. Now I have unknown seeds growing in the pots. I’d like to know what they are but I remember they’re supposed to be red/yellow/orange. I’ll just have to wait and see! Â